Love never ends, Stories end

"A Failing Love Story Doesn't means the Fail of love"

"Love stories were heart broken some of them left you in tears and some of them give you a reason to fall in love".

On 21st century loves becomes online were in the 90's people use to love via letters and wait for the long replies.
Then the love was unconditional people use to wait for the replies and make a good response to their partners.

When there was no mobile phones no Facebook ,Whatsapp at that time the love was unconditional.
The unconditional Love found to be more effective and very much true.

Peoples do not talk for long hours and wait for long hours just for the replies of letters.
They do not meet everyday and even do not fight for the silly shits.

People recognize their love by looking at values of there love and do not judge them by their activities. 

True Loves do not define talking for long hours and meeting each day.
In this Era people usually love with the soul were before peoples use to love with the soul, I may found to be wrong so I am not trying to hurt anyone's sentiments.

There are always sad things which we realize after losing someone.
We usually do not value the person when they are with us,but when the people left their part or play in our life becomes empty.
This emptiness or loneliness becomes very much critical to take with. Most of the time people left with their values and makes a good move to someone's life.
